After making the switch to the Journalism school to begin my pursuit of an advertising degree I noticed the word internship being tossed around a lot more often. I was hearing more and more about these great internships my buddies were getting in some really cool places like Redondo Beach and Boston. It made me rethink my original plans of staying in Eugene and taking courses. I began to search out internships in geographic regions I wanted to live in, it pretty much all came down to anywhere in California. I need the sunshine, the fast paced lifestyle and the big business feel of L.A. or San Francisco. My resume and cover letter bombarded the e-mail accounts of any company in Southern California or the Bay looking to hire an advertising/marketing intern for a paid internship. I heard back from a handful of the companies I applied to and ended up accepting the first one to contact me. I interviewed through Skype with this company from their offices in Burbank and three days later accepted the position of Marketing Intern. The name of the company has to be left out because negotiations with other positions are still going on, I guess?
Anyways, I will be moving to Los Angeles June 2nd through early September. Being that I am a member of Beta Theta Pi at the UO I put out a contact to the president of the chapter at USC in hopes of a cheap housing option in a very expensive housing market. Sure enough the fellas down there secured me a spot at their house right off of Greek Row. I have been wanting to live in LA since the early days of Entourage when Vinny and the boys hit the streets of beautiful southern California. Not only am I going to be living in sunshine near the beach and interning with a cool company, I am going to be living on one of the hottest campuses in the country. I am hoping I can handle it, I have no idea what is going to take place in those three months. What I do know for sure is that my Flip Video will be with me every step of the way as I create a video blog about this soon to be very intense summer. For good or bad it is going to be an experience, one more thing to absorb before I can't absorb any longer.
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