Friday, April 8, 2011


As I entered into 7-11 to purchase my morning beverage and Cliff bar, I overheard a conversation that made me stop and appear as if I was contemplating what candy bar to choose just so I could listen. Some middle aged woman was describing red and blue camps that "non-conformists" of the new government were being sectored into all across America. The red camps were for those who would never conform and the blue camps were for those who have not conformed yet but soon will. She then goes onto explain the the 7-11 cashier (who is intently buying into this garbage) that it is comparable to Nazi Germany. 

If that wasn't enough, Conspiracy Chatty Kathy makes sure to tell her solo follower that government officials and secret service surrounded her house while Obama was in Eugene last year because of her anti-government posts online, "they thought I was a big threat" she says. Yeah lady, you are a threat, a threat to all the other people who want hazelnut flavor shots in their coffee but you just pumped the whole bottle into yours while babbling. 

I couldn't take anymore so I wandered towards the cash register (still unoccupied) as the crazy cat lady mentioned that homeland security approached her about something or other. The best part about all of this was her constant reiteration that she was not some conspiracy theorist or radical anarchist, cough cough bullshit. I bet the snuffaluffagus is one of your best friends too! 

I don't know whats worse, her story or the fact that the 7-11 worker found her  credible and was now worried about her own fate in America's "new world order". Enter, get your coffee, pay and get out. If you want to talk crazy, do what I do, blog!


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