Wednesday, November 30, 2011

[24] 23 Blogs Later

It seems as if the past 10 weeks have come and gone. That first week I wrote a post that highlighted the new direction I was taking the blog in, The Transformation (real original, I know). I thought it would be quite interesting to re-read the promises I made in that first post on September 30, and see how the next 24 measured up. I blindly scrolled to the The Transformation and read my original goals:

"This blog has found it's purpose; to higlight and encompass the wonderful world of advertising from ads themselves, the agencies that produce them and the individuals who drive those agencies and inspire advertising everywhere."
 After scrolling up to peer at each blog, I found that while I did fulfill some of those promises, I also grew as a thinker. It is clear from the excerpt above that I was limiting myself to advertising. Sure, I curated some ads I felt necessary to share, detailed work done by agencies and also featured people that damn well deserved it. What became apparent was the notion to think outside of typical advertising. I started to notice brands and the emotional connection (or lack thereof) created with the consumer. I discovered movements and philosophies that have gone onto to shape the industry. My eye changed and my thoughts differed as I learned how to spot trends and connect patterns .

While I'm pleased with the fact I followed through with my original goals for the blog, I am excited to have undergone change myself. That first post was exactly 2 months ago today, a lot can happen within that time. I have yet to scratch the tip of the iceberg, but I'm picking away.

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